
Kalamazoo-Portage, MI
Hometown Music Authority

Format: Album Oriented Rock
Description: Licensed to Allegan.
Owner: Forum Communications Inc.
Owner To Be:
LMA Owner:
Frequency: 92.5
Power: 4700
Translator Dial Position: No Translator available for this station.
REP: Not Available
Personalities: The Bob & Tom Show with Tom Griswold, Chick McGee & Kristi Lee - M-F/6A-10A
Kevin Nash - M-F/10A-2P
Scotty Bud - M-F/2P-6P
Alice's Attic with Alice Cooper - M-F/7P-12A
Sports Teams: Car Racing - Nascar Stock Races 
Car Racing - Indy 500 
Simulcasts: No Simulcasts available for this station.
Co-owned Stations: WQXC-FM
Network: Motor Racing Network